picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Thursday, June 17, 2004

back from paris.
back to work.

took a week off work to spend time with michelle's sisters and niece and nephew. first three days, they were a nightmare! overexcited, uncontrollable and to be chaperoned around. after that, they seemed to calm down and become their normal adorable selves. first day away from work last thurs, we headed to cambridge one hour away from london. it was a fabulously lazy and charming day in brilliant weather, if a bit on the hot side.

on friday, we spent the bulk of the day at tower hill - home to the english monarchy for 500 years before it became a arsenal store, a site for executions, a prison for traitors ... now, its a place with many stories and a truly interesting place to explore, not least for the 6 ravens that should always occupy the tower hill castle, less leading to the fall of the monarchy. strange thing is not that the english still believe this (its probably 70% done as a commercial stunt and 30% done "just in case") but that the ravens do not fly away even without chains or clipped wings!

sat to tue - paris.
all the tourist traps.
3rd time in paris as an adult for me and still there were new places to discover.

eiffel tower, notre-dame, river seine, louvre museum, disneyland, montmartre ...
eiffel tower
legs went soft at the edge of platforms; thought i was impervious to vertigo when i was pilot testee in ns...

mass being celebrated when i visited. still had holy and spiritual feeling. is it the building?

river seine
smelly sidewalks on banks took romance out of the river in a whiff.

louvre museum
first walk through. not as crowded as i expected. too hot in the summer. crazily huge for a person (the emperor) to live in isn't it?!

larger than los angeles one. lack of crowd meant shorter wait for rides but less festive. summer heat means i was grateful for as short a wait as possible.

shiok cool place with cool history.

wednesday - back in london.
slow day. tired ...
natural history museum. kids were not at all interested in the dinosaurs. not curious? at least they won't end up as ross...
went to four seasons at queensway or famous duck rice. to harrod's and habitat after ... like i said ... slow ...

thursday - back to work!

going to miss the kids.


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