picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Love ... & a good night's sleep

This morning at 3am , I returned home from this pile of crap on my desk

to find this by my bed!

It's the same story every summer for a few years now - non-stop sneezing in the morning and evenings, my nose tingles with an itch that buzzes around the eyeballs that can't be scratched down or run off, a runny nose that well up well into the eyes and force me to blow it out, and a blocked nose when lay my head down to rest, and a dry throat that eventually turns painful after a few days of rerouted breathing in the dry night air while asleep and worst of all, being awaken by my nose that starts to unblock and run with wild abandon at about 3-4am.

This year, whatwith my long hours and very hectic schedule to match the accelerated construction programme, it has been unbearable. I think I was running on 60% efficiency every day and I wasn't happy at all. Then, the love of my life comes to my rescue - M goes and SHOPS (!) ... for an Air Purifier! She went straight to the shops after work but not before doing due diligence online and finding out the store that still had the machine in stock and got me the ticket to a night of rest.

The proof is in the pudding and I am happy to certify that the little whirring electric inverse fan is working wonders. I slept through what was left of the night and work up feeling like my batteries have been recharged. Boo for my carbon footprint, hooray for a caring wife!


Blogger TG said...

thats very sweet :)

go buy her that bag that women wants...

12:22 PM  
Blogger Adrian said...

it costs nearly as much as a small diamond ring! another thing i haven't bought her?!?!

grown up life in consumer society is not easy my boy ...

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'grown up'?
'my boy'?

is it just me or did you just call me juvenile?

did you mean 'married life'?
married life = grown up life?

1:57 PM  
Blogger Adrian said...

are you sure you're saying that?

it was not a personal attack or a sub-conscious slip about your marital status. toys just keep getting more expensive is all i'm saying - £2000 for a handbag(!!) is all i'm saying and i'm sure we didn't dream of that when we were kids. neither that or a ocean going yacht complete with a butler and a docking spot in monaco.

are you sure there isn't something else you want to talk about in your blog? hehehehe

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

youre right :(

ive always wanted that handbag...

3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha i am so tickled by this exchange!

5:26 PM  
Blogger Adrian said...

hello tickled anonymous one.

7:16 AM  

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