picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yesterday was a good day.

Part 1 was a lunchtime gathering with everything nice. We were given a glimpse of Elaine's treasure trove in a charmingly crafted flat and were treated to so many things we miss from London. There was the roasted chicken to remind the visiting London couple of their time in Rotherhithe; there were cheese and crackers, quiche and strawberries, scones and cakes to make us almost believe that we were cocooned in a little piece of our best memories of our time in London. And then there were the people - Beatrice & Denis, Lipeng & Itay, Yeechin & Yixiu, Wenying & Chenhui, Yunyi & Xinyan. Precious moments, that.

Part 2 was a office visit and dinner with HC. As usual it was brilliant and illuminating conversation. His clarity of thought expressed in his inimitable manner was received with gratitude by M & me.

"My design time is always an estimate - design is a vague science - only God could finish it all in 7 days ... and I don't profess such powers."
"If you want to settle for my third rate idea, you can have it. My best ideas will be left for my next project if you can't even give me another week or three."
"How long do you intend to stay in that house? From the way you talk and are rushing, it sounds like you only want to stay for a few months and not for the rest of your life"
"Approved only in writing - everything else doesn't count"
"My design (of your house) is a gift to you. You cannot pay me enough."


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