picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Friday, June 25, 2004

The day after the evening before.

London streets are strangely muted. What did I expect? Public sobbing? Heh. Still, it was strange seeing the bar that lines its full height glass walls with england flags everytime England plays at this Euro2004, stark naked. I think what i miss most was the football team's fortunes keeping the entire nation together. England expects. That is the line that pops up everytime the England boys troops off to another major tournament. You know that rather than as a stern father hovering above a nervous son, the expectation is one of hope and fingers crossed on Victorian age wooden window frames, tea in other hand and glued to the tv sets. An entire nation in sync. Even the 'i don't understand the interests generated in 22 men running around chasing a ball' faction politely keeps quiet for the time being and neutrals proclaim left, right and centre that its fun and really great to be able to support the cause and be part of this joyride.

The Romans got it right and despite the cynicism of the Senate (and more often than not, mine as well), it is amazing to be able to mobilise, or at least en-trance or lull, a whole army of people this way. Football stadiums around the world are the new Coliseums and rinks.

Football is surely not the sole prerogative of the middle-class, unthinking yobs that the passion-less think. Anything can BECOME art as the master-craftsman shows and for me, the higher form is to be able to make a teamwork reliant sport a field for art. That is why, Scholes is still by far the best England has to offer. That is why, Rooney has shown in this tournament (and when contrasted with his play thus far with Everton) that he can be much more than he already is. In time, who knows? He might just be able to pair up with Scholes and 9 other football artists in England Red. If not, maybe in the Red of Manchester?

Saturday, June 19, 2004

our temporary tenants (2 mothers and 2 kids) have left.
our little hole in the wall studio apartment actually feels empty.

now, amidst my reveries about charkwayteow and chicken rice, i also think about benjamin (6yr old nephew) and joycelyn (10yr old niece).


means only one thing.
i have to do big things.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

back from paris.
back to work.

took a week off work to spend time with michelle's sisters and niece and nephew. first three days, they were a nightmare! overexcited, uncontrollable and to be chaperoned around. after that, they seemed to calm down and become their normal adorable selves. first day away from work last thurs, we headed to cambridge one hour away from london. it was a fabulously lazy and charming day in brilliant weather, if a bit on the hot side.

on friday, we spent the bulk of the day at tower hill - home to the english monarchy for 500 years before it became a arsenal store, a site for executions, a prison for traitors ... now, its a place with many stories and a truly interesting place to explore, not least for the 6 ravens that should always occupy the tower hill castle, less leading to the fall of the monarchy. strange thing is not that the english still believe this (its probably 70% done as a commercial stunt and 30% done "just in case") but that the ravens do not fly away even without chains or clipped wings!

sat to tue - paris.
all the tourist traps.
3rd time in paris as an adult for me and still there were new places to discover.

eiffel tower, notre-dame, river seine, louvre museum, disneyland, montmartre ...
eiffel tower
legs went soft at the edge of platforms; thought i was impervious to vertigo when i was pilot testee in ns...

mass being celebrated when i visited. still had holy and spiritual feeling. is it the building?

river seine
smelly sidewalks on banks took romance out of the river in a whiff.

louvre museum
first walk through. not as crowded as i expected. too hot in the summer. crazily huge for a person (the emperor) to live in isn't it?!

larger than los angeles one. lack of crowd meant shorter wait for rides but less festive. summer heat means i was grateful for as short a wait as possible.

shiok cool place with cool history.

wednesday - back in london.
slow day. tired ...
natural history museum. kids were not at all interested in the dinosaurs. not curious? at least they won't end up as ross...
went to four seasons at queensway or famous duck rice. to harrod's and habitat after ... like i said ... slow ...

thursday - back to work!

going to miss the kids.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


german friend just invited michey and i to munich for the oktoberfest! delicious beer and wursts in copious amounts will surely be enough to console one with the passing of summer into dreary coldness, if anything can! i can't wait ...

and if i can get away fr work in july, i'm also going to the lake district! supposedly one of the most beautiful and inspiring places in england ... lets see if it gets me going like it did john ruskin, beatrix potter, wordsworth et al ...

30degrees heat today in a city unaccustomed and ill-equipped to this type of weather is quite a torture. wonder how many million people are off work today due to the heat ... lucky i have air-con office. across the street, the workers have been trying their best to position their little desk fans to share what little cool winds it generates with fellow workers and the smells of the people i have to mix it up with on the streets after work yesterday tells me its not working very well!

one and a half day more of work and i'm off to paris - disneyworld here i come ....

Friday, June 04, 2004

looooong work week.

bad thoughts leading to frustration welling up and i'm not happy.

mad rush at work leading up to the presentation to the client today at 230pm gmt. finished it up last night and went off to meet wynne and tx last night for a few drinks. i needed drinks and it was great to finally put faces to the names i've become acquainted with over the course of one football season. maybe because of that, i was a generous with my reception. i think they thought i was bonkers.

trip to cornwall last weekend was fabulous. the predicted rainy weather all weekend long turned out to be wrong. two gloriously sunny days followed by expected all-day rain on monday when the 4 of us headed off to st austell to go see the eden project. going into the tropical humid biome (one of two biomes that are effectively huge glass houses), the temperature, the humidity and the smells made me think i was back in singapore. there was a malaysian zone and there was a kampung house there, complete with raised floor and the ubiquitious lightweight scooter (that is made for two but usually transports an entire family of 4-5 in the malaysia that we all know ...). made me miss singapore a bit but .... nah ...

gotta get on with it now ..