picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Thursday, July 08, 2004

its been decided. trains to lake district are too expensive and my trip has thus been postponed.

instead, i've been handed a trip to PARK ROYAL (sounds like a malaysian theme park) in zone 3 to try and pick up a new mobile. i'll be mobile-less for 2 whole days. 48hrs without instant connectivity and access - what will i do? i remember the last time something like this happened to me, i felt a bit lost and rather uncomfortable. it was a fantastic relief from the constant ringing of my mobile (while i was in singapore and surrounded by very activity-oriented friends) but i felt no such comfort. i wonder if i'll feel that same way now that i'm less reliant on constant contact ...

nc and shir's parents are in town. must be so exciting for all parties - pride, relief, familial love, reunion.

this weekend, i shall fill up my free time with action. action-ing my thoughts and also action-ing upon instinct. arsene wenger talks about it and i know what he's talking about - in basketball, ballers used to call it getting 'in the zone'. your body moves instinctively, there's extra bounce and zippity sharpness, everything and everyone moves an instant slower than you and you see things a second before they occur - the shots drop like nobody's business. arsene acknowledges that its through repeated action and training, conditioning to the point when a player is able to move into that slipstream of higher consciousness on the pitch during a game. there's a bliss in that. but besides my sunday hoops session, i'll also have to work on my leftie, my weaker side, my blind-spot. actioning my thoughts - to create. its perspiration time me thinks.

we'll see.

oh btw, here's a nice interview (david adjaye on his conversation with brazilian master oscar nieumayer.


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