picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Monday, January 22, 2007

resolutions monitor

according to scientists, today is officially the most depressing day of the year. it takes into account the observation that most people's moods get dampened by the winter months, that most people get paid slightly earlier before christmas and will now be quite broke, the monday blues, etc. and other assorted facts to derive this pseudo-scientific conclusion.

it was not all that bad for me today though. it was typical monday inertia in bed but after that, the start to the day transited smoothly from my commute in the tube to a productive day at work.

there have also been plans bubbling in the background which are like tiny balls that i'm just keeping aloft. i realised that i'm much happier having a few things going at once and it reminds me of when i was in school and could rely on more things to give me satisfaction. just so i get it down somewhere, some of the things that i want in my radar are:-

1. possible cfa qualification;
2. possible masters course;
3. travel plans to ny;
4. g's house reconstruction;
5. j's apartment refurbishment;
6. gc's possible apartment refurbishment;
7. expanding the family

Sunday, January 21, 2007


my sofa has arrived - 3 months after i placed an order for it and 7 months after i moved into the new shack in camden. it has lent nice lines to the lounge and we now know that a dining table to add to this comfortably proportioned space is slightly out of the question.

i'm still posting this from a makeshift work station on one side of this new addition to the family of furniture in the new home but i eventually see this makeshift table making way for a larger but similarly low table where we will replace this ginormous 19" CRT monitor with a LCD and taking a total of 1/5 of the space it's now taking. i imagine we'll have to get floor cushions in anticipation of japanese style dinner parties at this low table and maybe keeping the red bean bag so sweetly bequeathed to me by *milk* as the VIP seat. low ceilings demand low surfaces.

the sofa is really great by the way not just in an incidental manner. we actually like it - sitting on it, finding different configurations for the both of us to comfortably stare at the gogglebox, reading the papers on it, seeing friends sink comfortably on it and unwilling to give the seat up thereafter. the list goes on and the sofa is a welcome addition.

i'll post pics soon.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

NYLDN 2007

Its the New Year and 2007 in London was greeted with the most glorious bang I've witnessed. Down by the Thames at the London Eye, a fireworks display that was so inspiringly choreographed, one could hardly fault the designer his constant assertion that his work was art. Watching it had me going wow and not believing it as yet another wave of light and sound came together or spiralled away, shot upwards or showered down to create a spectacle so epic I had no problems shoving my cynical self under the bean bag to enjoy it.

Maybe it was witnessing that rather ephemeral art display or maybe it was the rather long-ish holiday in Paris last week but 2007 arrived like a breath of fresh air. There might have been a slight bounce to my step as I walked my zombie-like body to the tube and then the office and even though it was not all peaches at work, with all the bosses in my bay still away on their extended Christmas/New Year week holiday, I was not exactly complaining. My problems at work have not vanished with the new year but even as my worries creep and crawl through my system, trying to get from the back of my mind to the rest of me, I felt like my head was clear enough for me to at least know what I should do and what I should not do. I at least knew I should not be overly apologetic nor let my anxiety make me nervous.

This year, I wish to:

1. Take control of my life - wash my hair twice a day; use the lotion for my scalp; sleep early to rise early; exercise as much as possible; exercise as early as possible each day; eat healthy.
2. Enjoy work.
3. Do more, experience less
4. Read more books, less TIMEOUT
5. See an art show every two months
6. Enjoy design.

Good night.