picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Friday, November 03, 2006

School Night Out

Who would've thunk it? Me on roller skates in a roller disco in the middle of unclaimed King's Cross, keeping balance, finding the flow and enjoying it? It was a night to remember indeed. Stafford, who didn't seem like an expert on wheels, donned his cape and defied the 40+ years and showed the way as Director of the team and headed straight to the dance floor in his skates. Anna and Chris - young, blonde and beautiful - rolled their way to the bar and bankrolled our night out with drinks till the club tab cap was reached.

And the stories about Chris being thoroughly entertaining after a drink or three was not wide off the mark. He was jumping and posing, cajoling each of us to outdo ourselves and each other. He led me to my first fall but I was a willing follower. He was probably the last amongst us (and not very far from the last in the whole club) to return his skates for his shoes. On our way out, he remarked that he felt like he was still on skates. Then, suggested that we all head to the next thump-thumping venue for more drinks and more moves - anything that required us to put on something on our feet. We ended up at BigChillHouse (nice, relaxed and looks like funfun) and then to a late opening pub after. I've had enough of the night but only because all the G&Ts that I gulped down did not do enough. The action was fading and it was time for my exit.

Funny thing today was that Katie didn't seem to give me as much time as she normally did. She's very friendly to everyone of course but I think she would, given the opportunity, be befriending the upstairs just that wee bit more. It's working and she's going to be yet another level above me in the project soon. Pro-ject Architect.

I must learn from her and from this.


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