picking through the cacophony

intermittent rants and some keepers

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

UK's National Sickie Day

It's the first day of February and the Employment Law Advisory Services says 310,000 workers could phone in sick today, costing British industry £27million.

Well, I was really going to call in sick today (even more so than most other Mondays) and would have if I wasn't absolutely needed in the office to be Super Part 1 again. I got in before 9am and left at 1030pm, most of it with a wrenching in my stomach from stress and fighting the feeling of injustice. It has to do with the new team seating plan in the office and how I think it again adds up to the unequal playing field. The only way to go is fight, to be more competitive and to muscle my way in. It's going to be get-your-hands-dirty, throw an elbow or two WORK from now on.


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